Foto of the moment

Say "Hello" to my piggy!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Quote from Yerski:

I always enjoy my cousin Yer's company. She used to hate me when we were younger, and she always thought I was a bossy, snobby brat. *chuckles* I don't blame her or anyone for thinking so. I never considered my self as a spoiled brat, nor did I ever feel like I took advantage of my parents. For most of my life, I got whatever I wished for whether I asked for it or not. Some took longer than others to get, but I've gotten most things I wanted. I also have an awesome big sister who loves me a lot, so I am a very fortunate baby sister. *Teeheehee* Oh how could I ever repay her!!!

I love all my girl cousins dearly and love each how we all have our own unique relationships with one another. Since Yer's family moved to Minnesota from her home state in Wisconsin, we've gotten so close over the past few years and can not live with out one another's company especially since she recently got accepted to teach overseas in China for a year (CONGRATS!), and will be leaving this summer and so I'll be supa supa lonely over the summer! :( Me so cry because I've grown so attached to her and we're probably the only single cousins for now. *Dances to all da single ladies, all da single ladies* Perhaps this'll motivate me to get my passport. Haha.

The point of this blog was a few nights ago Yer and I got lost in a deep conversation, (Not that we don't always when we see one another) and she expressed how excited she was for me and my future. What I've been through and what I have yet to discover. My accomplishments and who I am today. **Laaahh, in heaven and many curtsies, "Thank you! Thank you! Muahz!"** I really took her words sincerely, and I can say the same thing for her. I then shared with her that few relative s whom I grew up with had said they felt like I've always been a spoiled brat, but I disagreed. I disagree because I feel as though I earn everything I have, and I deserve everything I have received. The words that I remembered most from her that night after our conversation was, "Jewel, you're not spoiled. You know exactly what you want and who you are. I believe that few people can learn a thing or two from you. You and I are not spoiled, we are opportunists. We take the chances we get, and we never turn back." *Laaahhh, in heaven again* Great conversation! Love you Yer!

I had a great weekend by the way. Spent all day with Ema my first best friend from middle school. It had been three years since we had seen each other since we've graduated Highschool, and it had been at the Hmong New Year that I'd last seen her! Had great conversation and wonderful stories to catch up with as well. Here's pics of us!:

We ate so much and were super full, but both agreed that Tea Garden was a must! Nom nom nom! <3